Each camp, clinic, and practice held at Norfolk Indoor Sports Turf will follow specific guidelines to ensure the safety and peace of mind of all adults, parents, and participants involved at Norfolk Indoor Sports.

1. Masks: We ask that every parent who enters our facility to watch or pick up their child ENTER the facility wearing a mask.  All Norfolk Indoor employees must wear a mask.  We strongly encourage parents NOT to enter the facility or watch practices currently to reduce the total amount of people in the facility.

2. Non-Contact:  All of our camps are completely non-contact.  Norfolk Indoor employees and camp coaches will work to ensure that students “keep their hands to themselves” throughout camps & practices.

3. Hand Washing: All of our camps will include scheduled hand washing at designed water break times.  During a typical 8am – 12pm camp time, students will have 5 hand washing segments built into camp.  Students will wash their hands before all meals & snacks.  Students will wash their hands as they enter the building.  We will provide all hand washing and hand sanitizer throughout camp.

4.  Temperature Check & Attestation of Health and Wellness:  Daily temperate check of all participants.  We will also ask each student to confirm they feel well prior to each camp day or practice.  Any student who feels ill whatsoever will be required to remove themself from camp (with full refund that day).  We want parents and students to be over precautious thinking of other’s health & wellness. 

5.  Distancing, PODS and Teams: During camps specifically, students will be assigned to PODS or “teams”. They will remain on these teams throughout camp, to limit exposure and create distancing between campers.  The PODS / teams will typically be created based on age & ability to align with camp drills and training.

6.  Sterilization of Facility, Bathrooms, and Equipment:
After each day, NIST will completely sterilize all equipment prior to the next days use.  We ask that all participants sterilize their own equipment they may bring to camp or practice.  

Doing Your Part: Parent & Camper
New data suggest that certain health factors can help reduce the risk of COVID19’s affect on / in any person.
– 8 hours + of sleep per night
– Proper hydration
– Proper nutrition
– Vitamin D levels 

We hope that prior to camp or training, parents work TOGETHER with our facility to make sure students are sleeping, eating properly, & hydrating to keep their immune system working at optimal levels.

No one at Norfolk Indoor Sports Turf has a degree in medicine, so we hope to work together with your family and our students to make our facility as welcoming and safe as possible with the information at hand currently during this pandemic.

Questions or concerns: Call Ron at 757-390-6964 or e-mail



Facility PHOTOS

Norfolk Indoor Sports Turf offers an 8,000 sq ft. facility equipped with a “field-turf” surface for year round indoor training. Designed for all sports and ages, NIST is perfect for training, practices, games, parties, & events. Check out the trainers, sports, and practices offered at NIST, or, “click-pay-play” to reserve the space yourself!